Online website theschoolbox.gr is the e-shop of the company PARAMYTHIS KON. ANTONIOS (V.A.T NUMBER 076959655, KOROPI TAX OFFICE), that is based on KOROPI at the address AG. ANARGIRON 115 , POSTCODE 19400, Contact Number 2106021749 – 2106021749

During your transaction in the e-shop www.theschoolbox.gr you will be called to give specific personal data for the completion of your order. These data cannot be –In any way- revealed, published or sold in third parties, except if this is imposed by Public Authority (court etc.). In case of buying with credit cart, its data are notified in the competent bank (ex. Credit card number, expire date) and they are DELETED immediately from our database, right after the completion of your order, thus ensuring an even greater level of security.

The Company recognizes the importance of the safety of your own Personal Data, as well as your online transactions, and takes all the necessary measures, using the most modern and advanced methods, so the maximum possible security can be ensured.


Items sold in the website theschoolbox.gr have been chosed with strict criteria, in order to be safe not only for the children, but also for the total of customers that are using them. Items comply with high standards and harmonize with all the necessary certifications.

  1. 1. Force Majeure: If for reasons of Force Majeure (e.g. bad weather conditions, strikes etc.) it is not possible to deliver the products within the predetermined time, we will notify you via e-mail or by phone, in order to state if you wish –under these circumstances- the completion of your order.
  1. 1. Force Majeure: If for reasons of Force Majeure (e.g. bad weather conditions, strikes etc.) it is not possible to deliver the products within the predetermined time, we will notify you via e-mail or by phone, in order to state if you wish –under these circumstances- the completion of your order.
  1. 3. Modification of terms hereof: www.theschoolbox.gr reserve the right to modify or update the terms and conditions of transactions. The Company undertakes the responsibility of updating the current terms for any other changes or add.