welcome to schoolbox
Student details
pencil HB 2 with rubber tip
pencil sharpener in container for shavings
red roller ball pens
blue roller ball pens
black roller ball pens
green roller ball pens
fine point black permanent marker
black whiteboard marker
blue whiteboard marker
red whiteboard marker
whiteboard eraser
light blue highlighter pen
yellow highlighter pen
green highlighter pen
20cm plastic ruler
30cm plastic ruler
pair of compasses with pencil
box of 12 colouring pencils
pair of large size scissors
protractor 0 and 180 marked at each end
large glue sticks
box of assorted colours of plasticine
box of coloured oil pastels
box of 12 water colours
black calligraphy pen
aquarelle pad size 4
aquarelle pad size 2
plastic folder with elastic clear
clear plastic file with 30 pockets blue
clear plastic file with 30 pockets green
clear plastic file with 30 pockets yellow
clear plastic file with 30 pockets orange
clear plastic file with 60 pockets
A4 envelope folder blue
A4 envelope folder red
A4 envelope folder yellow
calculator with memory and square root keys
schoolbox paper storage box
set 10 x adhesive labels with SLC logo
numeracy passport
music manuscript book
maths ( A4 blue 8mm squared)
english (yellow A4 8mm lined)
science (red A4 8mm lined)
geography (green A4 8mm lined)
history (orange A4 8mm lined)